  • Área de Ventas: +56 9 5210 8407
  • Lunes a Viernes: 8:00-13:00 hrs. | 14:00 - 18:00 hrs.
1967 - Start Up
John Doe developed the Cosine Selling System® methodology and created the concept of ‘reinforcement training’ to support
1980 - Stage 01
John Doe developed the Cosine Selling System® methodology and created the concept of ‘reinforcement training’ to support
1990 - Stage 02
John Doe developed the Cosine Selling System® methodology and created the concept of ‘reinforcement training’ to support
2010 - Stage 03
John Doe developed the Cosine Selling System® methodology and created the concept of ‘reinforcement training’ to support
2010 - 2018
John Doe developed the Cosine Selling System® methodology and created the concept of ‘reinforcement training’ to support

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